Retail project management is a different proposition to project management in other industries. There are some key differences which can mean that normal project management techniques, approaches and tools aren’t always a good fit. What Happens If You Use the Wrong...
What is a DMAIC Tollgate or Phase gate? When you’re using DMAIC to guide you through your retail project, a tollgate is a major milestone. A DMAIC tollgate (also called a “phase-gate” or “stage-gate”) is a checkpoints allowing you to proceed through the DMAIC model....
What is DMAIC? DMAIC (often pronounced “der-may-ic”) is a model from Lean Six Sigma to plot a project from start to finish. There are 5 stages in the DMAIC methodology to guide you from identifying a problem through to having a robust solution in place. What Does...
Lean is often a term that seems to be thrown around in error, often used interchangeably with “Six Sigma” but the 2 are different. Lean is a series of tools, techniques and thinking that will focus on cutting waste, increase customer satisfaction and ultimately...