Project assumptions will be essential to making quick progress, especially in uncertain environments where you’re treading into uncharted land. The dictionary definition of an assumption tells you: “a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without...
Managing and controlling project scope is seen as one of the key project management skills. Just So We’re Clear – What is Project Scope? The project scope is a defined (and ideally documented) list of what is included in the project. There should also be a...
Managing projects within constraints inevitably leads to the need to make trade-offs and balancing decisions. Balancing the project constraints will result in the best outcome for your organisation. This is a key capability to develop on the road to becoming a...
What Project Management Training Options are There? There are many project management training courses available. Just check Google. I see 15+ million results and counting. It could take a while to go through all of the options… The majority of these are either...
Retail project management is a different proposition to project management in other industries. There are some key differences which can mean that normal project management techniques, approaches and tools aren’t always a good fit. What Happens If You Use the Wrong...